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Health and Social Care Courses
Showing 17–32 of 45 results
Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome
£20.00 -
Handling Information in a Care Setting
£10.00 -
Health and Safety in a Care Setting
£8.00 -
Health and Social Care Courses
Infection Control
£10.00 -
Introduction to Early Years Foundation Stage
£15.00 -
Introduction to the Safe Handling of Medicines
£25.00 -
Learning Disability Awareness
£10.00 -
Managing Occupational Health and Wellbeing
£15.00 -
Manual Handling
£15.00 -
Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation Of Liberty Safeguards
£15.00 -
Mental Health Awareness
£10.00 -
Mental Health First Aid
£10.00 -
Modern Slavery
£10.00 -
Moving and Handling People
£15.00 -
Nutrition and Hydration